Real World, Real Life Solutions for Balanced Hormones and Improved Gut Health in Perimenopause

Find all the information, education, resources and proven programs you need to optimize your health and live a symptom- free life.

  • Have you put your own health goals on hold in favor of meeting the needs of your family, coworkers, or career?

  • Do you feel tired all the time, have trouble sleeping through the night, are experiencing strange/ uncomfortable cycle changes, bloating/ faltulence, joint pain, constipation/ loose stools, mood changes or other new random symptoms?

  • Do you struggle with losing weight and keeping it off?

  • Are you tired of restrictive diets that don’t work and leave you feeling worse than when you started?

  • Do you find it difficult to take time to exercise or make a healthy meal between work, family, and life obligations

If you said ‘yes’ to any or all of the questions above, we have the ultimate solution …The Balanced Life Method.

Life is BUSY … there’s no doubt about that. Between personal, family, work, extra curricular activities (kids are in everything these days, aren’t they?) and religious commitments, there’s hardly a chance for any ‘me’ time.

Balance is not something you find, it’s something you create.” - Jana Kingsford

A healthy and balanced life doesn’t come naturally or by accident … it’s something that has to be intentionally created with a personal commitment to keep it going.

That’s why we created The Balanced Life Method (TBLM), a proven, step-by-step system to help you manage everything life throws your way AND feel amazing while doing it. Feeling terrible all the time doesn't have to be your normal.

How does it work?

The Balanced Life Method is a 6- month whole health optimization program built around three important phases. Each week, you’ll receive lifestyle and nutrition education and action from our coaches specifically tailored to you and your journey. Our coaches will hold you accountable and tweak your plan as you go, so that you are making continual progress. The Balanced Life Method provides real time coaching and support that meets you where you are.

We dive deep to determine what's held you back in the past when it comes to dieting, working out, and changing your health so we can help you create a more empowered mindset through this process to keep you in action.

We teach you exactly why your body has been calling out for support and optimization while helping you uncover the lifestyle habits that were contrinuting to those symptoms so we can help you move forward with more empowered, healthier and more sustainable habits.

We will look at things like your thoughts around food, exercise, work and family and how stress affects you in each of those areas of your life. Then we provide you with ACTION steps to propel you forward with adequate stress mitigation strategies, boundaries, rest and fun, exercise, customized nutrition and daily routines that help your body calm itself regain balance.

Remember … imperfect action is better than no action at all!

No, we’re not going to put you on a restrictive diet. We are going to customize and improve your nutrition to boost your metabolism, optimize your mineral status, ensure adequate intake and lower inflammation. We will teach you exactly what, how much and when to eat so you’re no longer working AGAINST your body but WITH it. You’ll be eating REAL, family-friendly, delicious food at every single meal!

And this isn't one of those programs that doesn't allow you to eat out, experience social events or holidays or just have a fun Tuesday with your family! We teach you how to enjoy food in real life AND rebalance your health at the same time!

As a Board Certified Holistic Healthcare Practitioner, and in my own healing journey, I learned that utilizing functional testing to gather accurate data about the body's internal function was the key to faster optimization.

To put it bluntly, we don't guess... we test.

We utilize several important tests with every 1:1 client inside The Balanced Life Method so we take the guessing out of your healing journey and only implement what you need to help you achieve results, get rid of your symptoms and feel amazing again.

Long term success is all about balancing the body's inner systems. Here, we look at exactly how your body is currently functioning, what is causing the imbalances and then creating a comprehensive and custom rebalancing protocol specific to your individual situation and needs.

It's time to feel amazing again.

Don't waste any more time feeling terrible and struggling with painful, embarrasing symptoms.

Don't waste any more money trying another over-hyped, trendy diet that isn't backed by real information about your body.

Don't waste more time trying to become a nutrition expert to understand your body so you can DIY your own healing.

Now is your time to put yourself and your health first, rebalance, and feel better, so you can be the woman, partner and parent you are meant to be.

Dana is amazing! She knows so much about nutrition, exercise, and mental health.

She gets to know you and your lifestyle so she knows exactly how to lead you to a healthy lifestyle. Don’t be fooled... she’s not going to simply give you a diet to follow. She’s going to change everything about your HEATLH and SELF-WORTH... she’ll change your life!

J. Mullins

Program Options

How you experience The Balanced Life Method is up to you. We offer a self study foundational guide and two different guided coaching options depending on your personal preference:

Foundations of Balance Guide


A 40+ page guide that walks you through the 6 Foundational Healing Habits every perimenopausal women needs to focus on to balance her health and heal.

Blood Sugar Balance

Nutrient & Mineral Status

Food Intake & Meal Timing



Stress Mitigation

BONUS: Learn Your Cycle Guide

You'll get all the education and actions needed to start your healing journey and get to work banishing your symptoms for good.

Includes hormone balancing recipes, digestion and hormon optimizing supplement recommendations and complete biofeedback tracker and daily check in questions to assess your healing as you go!

The Balanced Life Method 16- Wk Group Coaching Cohort


Want access to our coaches for support and accountability AND an amazing group of like- minded women on the same journey as you!? In the group version of the Balanced Life Method you'll have daily and weekly interaction with other clients facing similar challenges, via our membership community and group coaching calls.

Heal for good and life symptom- free with our 16- week balancing journey that's specifically designed to help you natrually balance your hormones and digestion using the same 6 Foundational Healing Habits you can find in the Foundations of Balance Guide AND MORE so you can take your healing to the next level!

*The Balanced Life Method Group coaching program does not include functional testing.

The Balanced Life Method 1:1 Program


*requires a 6 month contract*

First month initial consultation & onboarding with membership site walkthrough

Bi- Weekly follow calls with one of our coaches 

$1010 worth of lab testing (details below)

A completely customized whole health optimization protocol with professional grade supplement recommendations 

Online membership portal with access to your protocol

Support between sessions through your MyCoach App​​ 

First Month Initial Consultation (1.5 hours) 

90 min phone consultation reviewing past & present health concerns & goals  

Initial interview and evaluation

Analysis of current lifestyle and nutrition habits 

No matter which option you choose, you get unlimited access to all of the The Balanced Life Method content forever… now THAT’S a solid investment in yourself and your future health!

Testing Included in The Balanced Life Method Package:

Biome FX Functional Microbiome Analysis  

Included in The Balanced Life Method 6 Month Package

BiomeFX is a convenient at- home stool test AND comprehensive microbiome health assessment tool. It provides us with precise and detailed information about your microbiome’s health, composition and activities. BiomeFX identifies which microorganisms are in your gut, which are missing, and how their presence (or lack of) affects your gut microbiome’s overall health and function. Using BiomeFX test results, we work together to design a personalizes optimization protocol that includes nutrition, lifestyle and custom supplement recommendations that, together, restore balance to your gut microbiome and help you optimize your overall health. 


Included in The Balanced Life Method 6 Month Package

A full and comprehensive look into the ebb and flow of your main steroid hormones, estrogen, progesterone and testosterone provide a unique picture that tells us 1) whether your body is making enough hormone 2) whether your body is converting enough hormone and 3) whether your body is detoxifying used hormone. The DUTCH Cycle Map Plus not only looks at your entire cycle to provide insights into those areas, but also looks at the Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR) to assess for adrenal dysfunction as well as multiple organic acids that will provide insights into your cellular function. 

After the results are back, I am able to help create a specific whole health optimization plan for you to help you feel incredible again!​​Additional testing, such as MRT and Comprehensive Blood Chemistry, are available for purchase for any client enrolled in The Balanced Life Method.​

Comprehensive Blood Chemistry Panel $495

*Only Available for Purchase by The Balanced Life Method Clients

A comprehensive blood panel is used to highlight areas of stress in the body from thyroid to liver health to nutrient deficiencies and more to allow us to target our dietary and lifestyle interventions, so we can support your body.

Blood panels include thyroid, liver, adrenal, digestion, nutrient deficiencies, iron overload, hydration, inflammation, blood sugar, lipids, kidney, gallbladder, anemia, cardiovascular, heavy metals and immune markers.

Mediator Release Test (MRT 176) $335

*Only Available For Purchase by The Balanced Life Method Clients​

All food-induced inflammatory reactions involve mediator release, which is the single most important event leading to all the negative effects food sensitivity clients suffer from. The MRT 176 tests for mediator release in the blood for 176 different foods, food additives and chemicals contained in the food supply to determine what your body is reacting to and corresponds to volumetric changes in neutrophil, monocyte, eosinophil, and lymphocyte activations of your white blood cells.

Dana Black is not a doctor or licensed medical practitioner. The tests should not be taken as medical advice. Only a Licensed Medical Professional can diagnose and prescribe treatments and medications for you. Do not ignore or delay seeking medical advice or treatment because of any information obtained or recommended by Dana Black or Constantly Varied Nutrition. Consult your own Medical Professional regarding all nutritional supplements to evaluate if the supplements could adversely affect or react with any medications or pre-existing conditions. Stop any food or supplement immediately if you have any type of adverse reaction. You agree that Dana Black, Constantly Varied Nutrition and its representatives shall not be liable for damages arising from the information and content viewed and obtained via these tests. You agree that this limitation of liability is comprehensive and applies to personal injuries and all damages of any kind, including without limitation direct, indirect, incidental, general, special, punitive, compensatory, and consequential damages. These tests are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem - nor is it intended to replace the advice of a physician. Always consult your physician or qualified medical professional on any matters regarding your health. 

Are you ready to start healing?

If you’re ready to follow a proven, step-by-step system to optimize and rebalance your health and achieve sustainable results so you never struggle with painful cycle and GI symptoms again, it’s time to GET STARTED!

You’ll finally be able to wake up every day feeling amazing and energetic, stop fearing your monthly cycle, mood swings and digestive woes, all while eating the foods you enjoy and doing the activities you love!

Simply click below to start the application process and someone from our team will reach out to you to schedule an intitial consultation to learn more about you, your current situation and go over the details.

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